About Granuloma Annulare

Granuloma annulare is a non-cancerous outgrowth of skin that can occur at all ages. The growth looks like raised uneven, bumpy skin. Most commonly affected body parts are hands and feet. 

The signs and symptoms of Granuloma Annulare:

  • Localized: This is the most common type. Rash borders are circular or semicircular, with a diameter up to 2 inches. The rash occurs most commonly on the hands, feet, wrists, and ankles of young adults.
  • Generalized: This type is uncommon and usually affects adults only. It causes bumps that form a rash on most of the body, including the trunk, arms, and legs. The rash might cause discomfort or itchiness.
  • Under the skin: A type that usually affects young children is called Subcutaneous Granuloma Annulare. It produces small, firm lumps under the skin, instead of a rash. The lumps form on the hands, shins, and scalp.

Treatment Options

  • Steroid Injection
  • Topical Steroids
  • Other Topical Medications
  • Cryotherapy
  • Electrodesiccation
  • Systemic therapy
Questions & Answers

Do you have a question about Granuloma annulare? To get started, ask your family physician for a requisition form to book an appointment with Dr. Neel Malhotra and we look forward to seeing you at our clinic.

Are there any triggers for Granuloma annulare?

It is usually seen after some kind of injury or damage to the skin. There are no studies to prove that granuloma has any type of triggering factors. Though it may happen to people with more sensitive skin types.

Is Granuloma Annulare Contagious?

No! While researchers don’t know the exact causes of granuloma annulare, they do know that it’s not contagious.

Can surgery work for Granuloma Annulare?

Unfortunately, there is no definite cure for this but there are certain medications that can be effective in the treatment of Granuloma Annulare.