About Male-pattern Hair Loss

Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia, is a type of hair loss that affects people assigned male at birth which cause you to lose hair doesn’t grow back. Signs of male-pattern hair loss include thinning hair and a hairline that recedes back on your head.

There are seven stages of male pattern baldness according to the Hamilton-Norwood scale:

  • Stage 1: There’s little or no hair loss or hairline recession.
  • Stage 2: There’s slight hair loss near the skin between your ears and forehead (temples).
  • Stage 3: You have deep hairline recession around your temples, and your hairline may have an “M” or “U” shape.
  • Stage 4: You have very deep hairline recession and a loss of hair at the top of your head (crown).
  • Stage 5: Your hairline recession connects to the bald spot on your crown.
  • Stage 6: The hair between your temples and crown is thinning or gone.
  • Stage 7: You have no hair on the top of your head and a thin band of hair around the side of your head.

Treatment Options

  • Hair transplant
  • Oral medication
  • Topical treatment
  • Lower Laser Light Therapy (LLLT)
Questions & Answers

Do you have a question about Male-Pattern Hair Loss? To get started, ask your family physician for a requisition form to book an appointment with Dr. Neel Malhotra and we look forward to seeing you at our clinic.

What causes Male-Pattern Hair Loss?

Male-Pattern Hair Loss is primarily influenced by genetic and hormonal factors. It is linked to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which can cause hair follicles to shrink and eventually stop producing hair.

Are there risk factors for Male-Pattern Hair Loss?

Family history is a significant risk factor. If close relatives, such as father or brothers, have experienced male pattern hair loss, it increases the likelihood of developing it.

Can Male-Pattern Hair Loss be prevented?

Prevention is challenging, as genetic factors play a major role. Certain therapies and medications like finasteride and minoxidil may help slow down or partially reverse hair loss in some men.

What is the role of hormones in Male-Pattern Hair Loss?

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a byproduct of testosterone, is thought to be a key factor in the development of MPHL. DHT can miniaturize hair follicles, leading to thinner and shorter hair growth.